What is Good For Your Health is Also Good For Animals and The Planet.

It is no coincidence that the same diet that can improve human health can also prevent the suffering of animals and reverse environmental degradation. This is why Green Menu’s volunteers have been working within our community to educate and promote conscious decisions regarding our food choices and how they impact our health and our environment. 

The United Nations reported that at least 20 million people worldwide die each year as a result of malnutrition and yet if Americans alone were to reduce their meat intake by just 10 percent, 100 million people could be fed with the land, water, and energy that would be freed up as a result. Combine with this the fact that animal agriculture is responsible for over 18% of greenhouse gas emissions (more than all transportation industries combined) and one-third of the world’s water consumption, and it becomes clear that our food choices really do make a difference.

Last week, in keeping with our mission, Green Menu’s volunteers lovingly prepared and donated enough freshly made plant-based meals to feed 150 people at the Hollywood Food Coalition who have been serving hot, nutritious meals to the hungry and homeless 7 nights a week, 365 days a year since 1987.

This food donation was only made possible by the very generous contribution from the good people at Follow Your Heart who make Vegenaise, the best vegan cheeses, and other delicious and innovative plant-based alternatives. Follow Your Heart believes that a better world begins with better food choices.

一直以來我們相信植物性飮食既可以改善人的身體健康、同時又能避免動物遭受痛苦及改善地球環境的惡化。這就是Green Menu非營利組織的義工一直在社區內致力的教育推行植物性飲食,讓民眾了解到關於有意識的選擇食物,將對我們的健康與環境產生多大的影響。聯合國報告顯示每年有至少2000萬人死於營養不良,若美國能減少10%的肉製品,所節省的土地、水與能源就能夠養活一億的人口,僅僅只要美國做出一點改變就可以有不同的效果。另外事實證明生產肉製品的畜牧業,造成髙於18%的溫室氣體排放量(遠超過所有交通運輸業的總和)與消耗全球1/3的水資源,都明確地顯示食物的選擇確實可以做出改變。

基於Green Menu的宗旨與推行週一無肉日的精神,上週我們義工精心準備了150人份的新鮮植物性美食,捐贈給Hollywood Food Coalition,這個機構自1987年來,每年持續365天的提供營養晚餐給弱勢族群與街友。

本次活動感謝Follow Your Heart的熱心贊助與各界善心人士的支持,有大家的慷慨解囊,才能落實我們的捐贈對象。Follow Your Heart生產製作全素的美乃滋、沙拉醬、奶酪與其他植物性食品,他們同樣堅信更好的世界始於更好的食物選擇。

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