Charity Work 慈善活動

Our Wish For 2021

A new year for us means 365 new opportunities to help make the differences we want to see in the world. Even though 2020 was filled with experiences and challenges that none of us were prepared for, it also...

Chinese Diners Develop a Taste for Meat Alternatives

A recent article published on The China Daily website reports on the growing popularity of plant-based meats in China and Asia as more people adopt healthier lifestyles and consumers choose more natural ingredients. While meat substitutes are nothing new to...

Food Insecurity & Health During a Pandemic.

It is estimated that 17 million people in the U.S. could become food insecure as a result of the pandemic, bringing the total to more than 54 million people in the country, including 18 million children. Compounding this problem, research...

Americans Open to Plant-Based Food.

According to a new report, “Climate Change and the American Diet,” Americans are open to plant-based diets but they don’t know where to start. The good news from the report is that, overwhelmingly, Americans are open to including more...

The Protein Myth.

For decades, the meat and dairy industries have been telling us we need to consume animal products to acquire enough protein to be healthy. After all, protein is an essential nutrient for building, repairing, and maintaining muscle tissue, as...

Latino Food Insecurity is Highest During Winter Months.

We are lucky to live in a nation filled with such rich ethnic diversity and varied opportunities for growth, yet it is clear that certain ethnic groups have vastly different experiences. For example, 26.9% of Latino households experience food...

Giving and Receiving Thanks on Thanksgiving.

Traditionally Thanksgiving is a holiday celebrated with delicious food and the company of friends and family.  It is also a time of year when we reflect on our lives and the things we are thankful for.  This year, in...

The Rise of Meat Analogs.

There is no doubt that there has been a huge increase in the production, quality and availability of meat analogs (meatless meats) these past few years as consumers seek protein alternatives and more sustainable foods.  What is most interesting,...

Is Obesity the New Malnutrition?

Most stereotypes generally portray the homeless as starving and/or underweight.  However, recent studies are dispelling this myth by reflecting that not only is obesity prevalent among the homeless but that only 1.6% of homeless were found to be underweight,...

Do Government Subsidies
Affect Our Food Choices?

It is a common misconception that low-income people don’t care about their diets, but there are significant barriers to accessing fresh, and healthy food, and most of these barriers disproportionately affect low-income populations and racial minorities. Much of the problem...

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