Food Insecurity & Health During a Pandemic.

It is estimated that 17 million people in the U.S. could become food insecure as a result of the pandemic, bringing the total to more than 54 million people in the country, including 18 million children.

Compounding this problem, research has shown that poor nutrition leads to poor health, particularly in those with pre-existing chronic conditions such as heart disease and diabetes. Food insecurity and poor nutrition are associated with a higher risk for more severe complications of COVID-19.

Conversely, a healthier diet, particularly one that focuses on plant-based meals, has been associated with reduced risk for chronic diseases, depression, and decreased mental function.

But for millions of people in the U.S., eating enough nutritious food is far easier said than done, simply because unhealthy food tends to be cheaper and easier to access, especially for those in low-income neighborhoods.

Here at Green Menu, we believe that having access to healthy, nutritional food is a basic human right and nobody should be forced to compromise their health, regardless of their circumstances. This is why Green Menu has donated over 600 pounds of fresh fruits and vegetables this week to World Harvest Food Bank whose mission is to provide food, basic staples, and living essentials to people who are at risk of hunger and to the needy.



我們認為獲得健康,營養食品是一項基本人權,無論任何人或其經濟情況如何,都不應被迫食危害健康的食品。Green Menu本週向World Harvest食品銀行捐贈600磅以上新鮮蔬果。該單位的任務是為減少饑餓人口、和幫助有需要的人們提供食物,及基本主食和生活必需用品。

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