Food Waste: Why Your Food Choices Matter.

Food waste is getting a lot of attention lately, and for good reason. The world produces 17 percent more food than it did 30 years ago and yet nearly half of it never reaches the consumer.

More than one-third of the world’s food is being lost or wasted, yet an even greater loss is actually caused by our own dietary choices. This is because globally, farmed animals consume five times as much food as all human beings and require a much larger amount of land and other natural resources.

Diverting agricultural land from meat production to support plant-based food production could feed 350 million additional people, far exceeding the amount of food currently lost in the supply chain. When we choose to consume plant-based foods, we are participating in a more sustainable food system that uses farmland more effectively, produces less food waste, and leads to a greener future.

In our continuing effort to promote conscious food choices, Green Menu has donated nearly 750 pounds of plant-based foods this week to Food Finders in Los Alamitos whose mission is to eliminate hunger and food waste while improving nutrition in food-insecure communities.

A special thanks go to our friends at Hand To Hand World Rescue Mission for making this donation possible.


全球生產的食物有3分之1遭到丟棄或浪費,但實際上,我們的飲食選擇造成​​的損失甚至更大。 這是因為在全球範圍內,用飼養動物所生產的食物垃圾是全人類的5倍,而且需要消耗大量的土地和其他自然資源。

若能將農業用地從肉類生產轉成植物性食品生產,是可以再供養3.5億人,這遠遠超過了目前供應鏈中損失的糧食數量。 當我們選擇食用植物性食品時,我們正在參與一個更具可持續性的食品體系,該體系不光可以更有效地善用農田用地、減少食物浪費、並帶來更綠色的未來。

為了不斷努力促進有意識的食物選擇,Green Menu上週已捐贈位於南加州Los Alamitos的Food Finders近750磅的植物性食物,其任務是減少飢餓和食物浪費,同時改善社區營養不良及食安問題。


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