The Food industry Could Feed Vastly More People With Plant-Based Diets.

There are countless studies and reports that have all come to similar conclusions; not only could moving toward a plant-based diet feed vastly more people but also this move would greatly improve human and environmental health.

At Green Menu, our mission is to ease hunger and promote human and environmental health through plant-based diets. Since our inception, our volunteers have been working within our community to educate and promote conscious decisions regarding our food choices and how they impact our health also our environment.

Compassion, when utilized properly, can be a powerful tool to change the world, which is why last week we donated 500lbs of plant-based foods to our good friends at Shepherd’s Pantry in Glendora whose vision is to alleviate hunger and to improve the well -being of those living in the San Gabriel Valley.

Green Menu would also like to give a special thanks and shout-out to the great work being done by Hand-to-Hand World Rescue Mission in Westminster, CA.


Green Menu非營利基金會的宗旨就是藉由植物性飲食使人免於飢餓,並改善身體與環境的健康。自成立以來,我們的志工團隊便不斷地在南加州各個社區開展工作,以教育和促進民眾對生活飲食的認知選擇,及其結果對我們健康和環境將造成的影響。

我們相信善心及推廣週一無肉日活動可以成為改變世界的有力方法,於上週捐贈給在Glendora的Shepherd’s Pantry的合作搭檔500磅植物性食品,配合他們的願景一起減少飢餓問題並改善居住在聖蓋博谷當地低收入家庭的健康。

Green Menu特別感謝南加州Westminster市Hand-to-Hand World Rescue Mission對我們的支持與贊助。

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