Multiple Global Problems, One Solution: Plant-Based Diets.

Poverty, food insecurity, and poor nutrition have serious consequences on the health and well-being of those affected but they also have a severe negative impact on our economy and health care system as a whole. But we have the power to set these things right… if we all work together.

Last week, Green Menu donated 500lbs of frozen plant-based meat alternatives to our friends at Doris Cares Organization who are dedicated to feeding the hungry in Los Angeles’s most neglected neighborhoods.

Green Menu believes that having affordable access to nutritional foods is not only a basic human right, but that #plantbased diets can solve many of the world’s health, environmental, and economic problems as well. Many heartfelt thanks to our sponsor BeLeaf Corporation for their generous donation and continuing support of our cause.

貧困、食物短缺和營養不良對身體健康與社會福祉有著重大影響,對於環境保護、經濟與保健系統而言,也有巨大的負面衝擊,如果大家能一起努力,選擇蔬食、減少肉類製品,將可有效的解決多種全球性的問題。為推廣週一無肉日,Green Menu非營利基金會捐贈500磅的冷凍純素食品給位於洛杉磯的Doris Cares Organization,由其分發給大洛城地區的弱勢族群。我們相信選擇植物性飲食,不僅是每個人都應該意識到的健康生活方式,也是有助於世界環境、經濟與健康問題的基本條件。

本次活動非常感謝BeLeaf Vegan的支持與贊助。

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