Green Menu: Leading The Way to a More Sustainable Future.

Today there are roughly 795 million undernourished people in the world, which translates to one in nine people not getting enough food to be healthy and lead an active life. At the same time, those undernourished or living in poverty are spending 70% – 80% of their daily income on food. But recent studies have shown that by switching to a plant-based diet we could feed an additional 4 BILLION people, thus potentially solving the world hunger issue.

As a non-profit, Green Menu’s primary focus is on feeding the hungry while promoting plant-based diets which feeds more people but also creates a healthier and more sustainable planet for us to live on.

This Meatless Monday Green Menu moved one step closer to food security and better health for all by donating 500 pounds of the amount of vegan food to our good friends at the Seventh Day Adventist Church in Fullerton who run a Food Assistance Program to feed those in need.

Many special thanks to BeLeaf Vegan for their generous contribution of vegan items to this great cause. If you would like to learn more about how to support Green Menu’s efforts to ease hunger and promote human and environmental health, please visit or follow on Facebook, Instagram & Twitter.

目前大約有7.95億人有營養不良的問題;意謂著平均每9個人裡面就有1人無法得到健康充足的食物,而這些營養不良的人將其每日收入的70%~80% 花費在食物上。最近的研究顯示,轉換成以植物為基礎的飲食方式,可以再養活40億人口,進而能解決世界飢餓的問題。

Green Menu Organization是一個非營利組織,提倡以植物性飲食來緩解全球飢餓的情況,藉此創造更健康的地球。為配合推廣週一無肉日與發揚本基金會的宗旨,Green Menu捐贈500磅的植物性食品給位於Fullerton的Seventh Day Adventist Church,以幫助社區有需要的民眾。

本次活動特別感謝BeLeaf Vegan的支持與贊助。如果想了解有關支持綠色環保的訊息,請查看Green Menu的網頁: www.greenmenu.org或關注Green Menu的Facebook 、Instagram 與Twitter 。

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