Green Menu has donated over 500 pounds of plant-based proteins to our good friends at World Harvest.

Today, more than ever, people are looking to live healthier lifestyles. Nowhere is this more evident than the trend towards plant-based diets. But when incomes drop and family budgets shrink, the first items dropped are often healthier foods such as proteins, whole grains, vegetables, and fruit. People who rely on emergency food assistance may be especially at risk for nutritional deficiencies. One U.S. study showed that the diets of homeless people are high in calories, fat, and cholesterol.

Plant-based diets, however, have been shown to lower the risk for many chronic diseases, such as obesity, coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes. Additionally, a plant-based diet significantly lowers the risk for many cancers, including colon, breast, prostate, stomach, lung, and esophagus.

In our continuing effort to make plant-based foods more accessible to those most in need, Green Menu has donated over 500 pounds of plant-based proteins to our good friends at World Harvest in Los Angeles. Established in 2007, World Harvest Food Bank is a non-profit organization that provides food, basic staples, and living essentials to people who are at risk of hunger and to the needy.

This donation was made possible by the generosity of the good people over at BeLeaf Corporation who are part of a global effort to reduce meat consumption and improve the health of our planet.


Green Menu非營利機構秉持一貫的主張,希望植物性食品能夠讓需要的民眾方便取得,配合週一無肉日,Green Menu捐贈500多磅的全素產品給World Harvest Food Bank,World Harvest非營利組織成立於2007年,提供食物和生活必需品給低收入家庭和需要救助的民眾。

本次活動特別感謝BeLeaf Vegan的熱心贊助,用植物性食品減少肉類消耗,無疑他們的努力就是改善地球及人類健康問題。

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