Green Menu: Donated nearly 500lbs of vegan food items to Shepherd’s Pantry in Irwindale.

2020 has already brought a lot of changes to our world so far. Many of these changes are positive, such as people becoming more conscious about how our eating habits affect the world around us. But for many who want to be part of this positive change, accessibility to healthier alternatives is a real challenge.

Green Menu is a non-profit organization working to ensure that no matter your economic status, you are able to access plant-based foods that are better for your health, the environment, and for animals.

In short, we want to change the way people in this country are eating and to get healthier foods to people who may not otherwise have access so that we help diminish the suffering on this planet.

To celebrate the positive changes happening in our food choices and in recognition of Meatless Monday, we donated nearly 500lbs of vegan food items to our friends at Shepherd’s Pantry in Irwindale who will, in turn, make sure these healthier alternatives get to people most in need during this time.

A very special thanks to BeLeaf Vegan for their donation of delicious & nutritious vegan items.

2020是變化多端的一年,有些是正面的改變,例如更多人意識到飲食習慣對身體與環境的影響,而轉換成健康的蔬食,但這對經濟能力有限的民眾來說卻是一種挑戰。Green Menu Organization是美國立案的非營利基金會,致力於蔬食的推廣,協助社區人士能夠更方便、經濟實惠地獲取植物性食材。為鼓勵群眾正面積極變化的同時暨推廣週一無肉日,Green Menu 捐贈近500磅的全素食品給南加Irwindale的Shepherd’s Pantry,讓更多有心加入蔬食行列的民眾都能受惠。本次活動特別感謝Be Leaf Vegan的支持與贊助。

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