Green Menu donated 100 vegetarian lunchbox meals to ELAC…

As we all know, the COVID-19 has caused a global epidemic, in order to minimize the infected population and maintain the safety of our communities, many states have begun implementing shelter at home policies. Amid this crisis, it is more important than ever to do what we can and support each other in times of need. In continuing efforts to provide food, Green Menu Nonprofit Organization donated 100 vegetarian lunchbox meals to ELAC on March 26th.

Green Menu’s next food donation will be on March 28th. We give a big thank you to our food sponsors Gu Zao Wei Dim Sum, Mahan Indian Restaurant and BeLeaf Vegan among others.

We hope everyone is capable to lend a hand for others while maintaining their own personal safety. Let’s share the love and help nurture a more harmonious society together.

新型冠狀病毒的擴散在全球引起巨大恐慌, 許多地區為降低傳染率,開始實施區域性的封鎖,讓大部份的人隔離在家以維護社區大眾的安全。在此危難之際,Green Menu Organization 非營利組織於3月26日捐贈100份蔬食愛心便當給東洛杉磯學院(ELAC)需要救助的學生,藉此拋磚引玉,希望大家除了保障自身的安全外,也能伸出援手,幫助弱勢學子。我們下一次的愛心便當捐贈訂於3月28日,誠摯邀請您共襄盛舉,分享愛、一同創造更和諧的社會。此次活動感謝:古早味手工點心坊、Mahan Indian Restaurant 、Beleaf Vegan以及各界善心人士的熱心贊助與支持。

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