Green Menu Celebrates Meatless Monday While Honoring Our Healthcare Professionals.

Green Menu is more than just caring about people, animals, and the environment… We’re also about extending our love and support to those who care about our community. Healthcare workers such as those at Royal Vista Skilled Nursing Center in San Gabriel are putting themselves on the front lines every day in order to keep our loved ones safe and healthy. To show our appreciation to these true hero’s, Green Menu has donated 50 vegetarian lunchbox meals to their staff to keep them energized and healthy as they continue to fight the good fight.

新冠肺炎在全美持續狂燒,確診人數和住院率不斷攀升,為宣導週一無肉日暨感謝在醫院與療養中心每一位努力不懈的醫護人員,Green Menu 非營利機構於7月20日捐贈50份蔬食餐盒予Royal Vista Care Center,此活動特別感謝各界善心人士的支持與贊助。

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