Giving Back: Green Menu Organization Shows its Support For Our Healthcare Workers

In conjunction with our ongoing Meatless Monday campaign, Green Menu is continuing to underscore its appreciation for our hardworking healthcare heroes by donating 75 vegan lunchboxes to Mission Care & Rehabilitation Center in Rosemead. As the coronavirus continues to spike in Southern California, these healthcare workers are risking their lives every day to protect ours. Green Menu is showing its support and appreciation by helping to keep these workers healthy and energized as they work often long and difficult shifts.
Green Menu would like to thank Gu Zao Wei Dim Sum Shop, Tao’s Chef, and the others for helping to sponsor the cause.

響應週一無肉日的活動推廣,7月27日Green Menu 非營利機構捐贈75個蔬食餐盒給Mission Care & Rehabilitation的工作人員。隨著新冠疫情在南加的持續激增,這些醫護人員每天冒著生命危險來保障我們的安全,Green Menu僅以這健康營養的盒餐,表達我們的由衷敬意。


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