Access to Nutritional Food as a Basic Human Right.

Nobody should be forced to compromise their health because of their financial circumstances, which is why every week Green Menu identifies and donates plant-based foods & meals to organizations who have a proven track record of helping those who are experiencing food insecurity and/or homelessness in our community.

Last week, Green Menu donated nearly 800 pounds of fresh vegetables, fruit, and plant-based products to Whittier First Day and Foothill Unity Center of Monrovia. Both of these organizations have demonstrated a strong sense of community by providing food, shelter, and a variety of other important services for low-income and homeless people.

Green Menu would like to thank, once again, Hand To Hand World Rescue Mission in Westminster, CA for this week’s generous donation of food.

任何人都不應由於財務狀況而被迫放棄追求自身的健康,這就是Green Menu非營利組織持續每週捐贈植物性食物給合格的救助機構,由他們分發給社區內的弱勢族群與街友。

為宣導週一無肉日,Green Menu非營利組織於上週捐贈約800磅的新鮮蔬果和植物性食品給Whittier’s First Day和Monrovia 的Foothill Unity Center,這兩個單位都展現出強大的社區意識,藉由他們分送健康的植物性食物給社區內需要幫助的民眾 。
本次活動再次感謝Hand-to-Hand World Rescue Mission的善心贊助與熱心支持。

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