Green Menu joins East Los Angeles College Foundation’s 1000 Meals Challenge…

Green Menu is a non-profit organization with a mission to inspire healthy lifestyles and a sustainable environment through green diets. Green Menu has recently partnered with the ELAC Foundation’s 1000 Meals Challenge to donate 50 vegan/vegetarian “Green Menu LunchBox” to East Los Angeles College students while promoting Meatless Mondays. ELAC states that an alarming 70.3% of the student body has experienced hunger/food insecurity on campus. Let us work together to provide these students with a hunger-free environment. This month, Green Menu would like to thank Vege Paradise for sponsoring fried noodles to the cause.

Green Menu是一個非營利組織,以提倡素食為主要訴求,希望通過綠色飲食來激發和促進健康的身心靈生活方式。我們與東洛杉磯學院(ELAC)合作,每月捐贈50份營養餐盒給學校,除了響應週一無肉日「綠菜單愛心便當」的活動,更希望能拋磚引玉,引起大家的關注一起幫助需要救助的學生。校方表示,有70.3%的學生曾經面臨飢餓的問題,讓我們一起合作努力,給予這些學子一個免於飢餓恐懼的環境。本次活動特別感謝「御素坊」贊助炒麵。

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