Green Menu has prepared and donated 50 vegetarian meals with beverages for the Alhambra Police Department…

With the holiday season fast approaching, police officers must be especially diligent to ensure the safety of everyone in our community. In an effort to show our appreciation, Green Menu has prepared and donated 50 vegetarian meals with beverages for the Alhambra Police Department so that they too can enjoy a warm Thanksgiving holiday!

在歲末節慶的季節,正當大家享受團聚歡樂的氛圍時,警察人員不辭勞苦,四處巡視,確保大家有一個圓滿安全的節日。為了感謝辛勞的警察人員,Green Menu Organization在感恩節前夕,特別準備了50份素食餐盒與飲品慰問執勤員警,讓他們能有一個溫馨的感恩佳節。

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